Friday, June 11, 2010

what's so hard about a corn allergy? (a story in 8 pictures.)

What's so hard about a corn allergy? (A story in 8 pictures.)

Today I felt like wearing my food allergy awareness shirt. Nothing could stop me from wearing my food allergy awareness shirt! Corn is a particularly difficult allergen to avoid, particularly if you are extremely sensitive, as it's used in far more than food products.

Hrm... let me think...

It's not that I don't like corn. I used to love corn! And corn products!

It's not that I'm a little bit sensitive to corn.

It's not that corn makes my eyes water.

This - as well as other mild digestive and respiratory symptoms - do happen when I'm exposed to corn products. But if I'm exposed to enough corn, I have an anaphylactic reaction.

If I am exposed to too much, I could die.

We interrupt this broadcast...

Whoops! Miss Minnalouche Tristessa Kinky June the Mighty Huntress found a lap!

Also you can see my old lady chin fat. Ugh. I need to get rid of that.

Breaking news...

Awww, Minna in my lap!

Now, where was I?

Oh, yes. What's so hard about being allergic to corn?

I'll show you why it's so difficult!

In order for me to be as healthy as possible, as comfortable as possible, I have to avoid ALL OF THIS STUFF.

Oh, my goodness!

Yes. That's a lot.

And that is just potential food items - ingredients that could be ingested.

Since I'm so reactive, corn is also an environmental allergen. For instance, I can not linger around cardboard. Did you know corn was in cardboard? What about band-aid adhesive? The wax on paper cups? New carpet?

It completely changes your world.

It's more than avoiding nachos & corn on the cob.

I can no longer go to the movie theater. I get physically sick if I am around certain perfumes and cleaning products. I have to scrutinize what's in my toothpaste, shampoo and lotion. I can't stick my nose in paperback books unless I want to have a swollen throat and breathing problems.

Having a corn allergy has completely redefined me.

But I still plan on having a life.

Shirt from Zazzle.

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